She was almost a pensioner; Cut down in her prime. A mother to millions, for such a long time as she sheltered from harm those who needed her most; now her armour is gone, she is merely a ghost.
No longer will women be saved from abuse; If your job goes? its tough, you're a worthless excuse. An immigrant? Unlucky! You'll find no help here. All that is left is vulnerability and fear.
They're not worth it you see, in the eyes of the State. This breed who don't earn much and can't control fate. They'll be left to the wanton oppression of life, without help, without guidance...they're a sacrifice; for the policy plans of a government team who, lacking in soul, had a #LASPO dream.
No more will protection be over us all since the government brought our dear lady to fall. They replaced her with #LASPO, though our Lords told them NO! Our cloak of protection had no choice but to go.
So #LASPO transformed from a Bill, into law and our protector and friend, Legal aid, is no more. The fighters for freedoms who, by our lady, were led, left bereft when the government killed her. Dead.
Truly tragic! :-(