After reading a Bizzletastic blog post this evening I decided to wander off and take a look at the work of the Lizard nation for myself. What I found is frightening, funny, somewhat bizarre and very much a danger to those looking for a way to manage their debts without any legal advice or assistance.
The Lizard people are a bit like some freaky, bizarre cult (you really need to read the forums to get the feel of it). It is almost demonic in parts. Scary stuff – but have no fear, I have been practicing my Queen of Hearts chant and am ready to give the order “Off with their heads” while The Bizzle goes charging in.
I play on the opposite side of the fence to The Bizzle, for once though, we are in complete agreement; anyone trying out this insanity is just going to get themselves further into debt and probably land a criminal record to boot.
My favourite sample letter from the Lizard cult below for your amusement J
Notice of Public Declaration of Non-Jurisdiction – Denial of Service - Order to Dismiss Case
The Magicians Court, Lucifer Street, LH12XA.
Charge: Unlicensed Keeping of motor vehicle V245HBF on 15/10/2010
Allegedly authorised by John Dyson (electronic mark but not by his hand)
Summons Issue Date: 28 April 2011
Your Ref: 293SMK case calling 9th June 2011
My Ref: ChesterMagis02
Correspondance received by: John of the Doe Family (Authorised Agent and Affiant for MR JOHN DOE)
c/o House, Address, Town, [LH4 8FE], On Wales
I, John of the family Doe as the agent and representative & paramount security interest holder for MR JOHN DOE and I present this affirmation as a declaration and affidavit of truth to the court as evidence of the facts for and on the record:
• I do solemnly affirm that the facts contained herein are true, correct and certain
• I reserve all rights and waive all privileges.
• My vessel (person) is not bonded for the corporate legal arena.
• If your lawful authority is derived from QE2/THE CROWN then there is no case to answer as QE2 is not the legal Monarch and the legislation under which this case is being brought is fraudulent and unlawful and therefore null and void. Please refer to precedent case between REGINA/THE QUEEN/QE2 vs. JAH (John Anthony Hill ) Southwark Crown Court, 9-12 May 2011 where JAH was found not guilty.
• All Judges in the UK derive their authority from and swear an oath to Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Battenberg (QE2) who is now proven to not be a lawful sovereign and any Bill MUST have Royal Assent before it can become an Act of Parliament (law). It should therefore be obvious that no judge in the U.K. could be impartial in a matter that questions Elizabeth's authority and thus called into question the judge's authority as well which would be a blatant conflict of interest.
• Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Battenberg’s (QE2/REGINA/) Fraudulent Coronation where she was crowned on a fake coronation stone and she promised to uphold "The Laws of God", which forbid her, parliament, or anyone else from legislating. She has broken this binding contract, and thus the contract is voided, meaning she or her agents have no actual authority to bring victimless, legislated charges against anyone.
a) the fake coronation stone used (ref:, and
b) the broken coronation contract uphold the laws of God such as below verse. (Exhibit 1, enclosed)
Details of QE2's fraudulent authority from the case REGINA/THE QUEEN vs. JAH (John Anthony Hill ) Southwark Crown Court, London, SE1 2HU, England, 9-12 May 2011 :
1. Mrs. Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Battenberg/Mountbatten; un-Lawfully residing in Buckingham Palace, London; also known by the criminal aliases Windsor and QE2, was knowingly and willfully, with malice-aforethought, fraudulently crowned on a fake Coronation Stone / Lia Fail / Stone of Destiny / Bethel / Jacob’s Pillar on June 2nd in 1953, and has been fraudulently masquerading as the rightful British Sovereign/Crown for the last 58 years, which the Defendent proved beyond doubt, and is a major part of why the fraudulent British so-called “crown” is attacking the the agent with this false, malicious, frivolous, ridiculous and politically motivated charge. It is Mrs. Elizabeth A. M. Battenberg who should be arrested and charged; for her innumerable acts of high-treason against the 'I AM' and his Christ, Whose church she falsely claims to head and in defiance of Whom she had herself fraudulently crowned, and Whom she has continued to rule in defiance of, and in opposition to, ever since; not the Defendent.
2. Allowing people to legislate in defiance of God’s Law (Deuteronomy 4:2, 12:32) that she swore and affirmed, in writing, to maintain to the utmost of her power (Exhibit 1), and, in many cases, actually reversing what The Law states into being the very opposite of it. She has fraudulently imprisoned and punished people for enforcing The Law themselves as God commands them to do, and thus un-Lawfully prevented or deterred others from doing so. She has given Royal-Assent to 3,401 Acts of Parliament (as of 24/03/2011) and thus broken The Law against legislating 3,401 times. The very first time she gave “Royal-Assent” to ANY “Act of Parliament”, or any other piece of legislation, or allowed Parliament or anyone to legislate, she broke her Coronation Oath and was thus no longer the monarch, with immediate effect, even if she had been Lawfully crowned in the first-place, which she most definitely was not.
Deuteronomy 4:2 Ye shall not ADD unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the Commandments of the "I AM THAT I AM" your God which I COMMAND you.
Deuteronomy 11:1 Therefore thou shalt love the Lord thy God, and keep His charge, and His Statutes, and His Judgments, and His Commandments, always.
Deuteronomy 12:8 Ye shall not do after all the things that we do here this day, every man whatsoever is right in his own eyes.
Deuteronomy 12:32 What thing soever I command you, observe to do it: thou shalt not add thereto, nor diminish from it.
• Is this a CRIMINAL action or a CIVIL action? If it is a criminal action, then who and where is the INJURED PARTY? or if it is a civil action, then where is the CONTRACT?
• The law of STATUTES is the law of CONTRACT. And we, as human beings, have the right to decline to contract.
Statutes do not apply, a STATUTE is a legislative rule of society given the force of law by the consent of the governed – I do not give my consent, tacit or otherwise.
• I have no ‘UNDERSTANDING’ of this matter… I ‘UNDERSTAND’ no one.
• We are all equal in law however knowledge separates the governed from the masters. If we are all equal, do we not have the status of Sovereigns and Diplomats if we so choose?
• I will not allow a plea in my absence, anyone entering a plea without my written permission will be considered the defendant and responsible for all costs.
• This document does not form part of a negotiable instrument.
• We cannot give to anyone or anything any power or authority we do not have.
• I own no property nor do I claim title ownership to the name/trust Mr JOHN DOE .
• My law is the Holy Bible the words of the most high EHYEH ASHER EHYEH (I AM THAT I AM). “If righteousness is not made profitable, then corruption will prevail.”
EX Dolo malo non oritur actio - (Out of fraud no action arises)
Dismiss this case as there is no jurisdiction or injured party and this flesh blood sentient man has not agreed to contract with your Corporation and owns no property.
Should an attempt be made to involve an Admiralty Court, Commercial Court it would result in a trespass against the Affiant's rights where your assumed authority will be questioned, the above evidence presented and the below fee schedule will apply.
If you wish to still persue Mr JOHN DOE , you must contact the trustee of the Estate (THE CROWN).
I claim the right to charge a FEE SCHEDULE for any transgressions by POLICY ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS, de facto government principals, executives, officers, agents or justice system participants, as follows:
ONE THOUSAND (£1000) POUNDS GBP PER HOUR or portion thereof for court appearances including travelling to / from court and
FIVE HUNDRED (£500) POUNDS GBP PER HOUR or portion thereof if being questioned, interrogated or in any way detained, harassed or otherwise regulated and
FIVE THOUSAND (£5000) POUNDS GBP PER HOUR or portion thereof if I am handcuffed, transported, incarcerated or subjected to any adjudication process, and
FIFTY THOUSAND (£50,000) POUNDS GBP PER DAY if any personal items in my keeping are taken away from me without my express written and notarized consent and
FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND (£500,000) POUNDS GBP PER INDIVIDUAL reasonably involved, for any violence brought against me, my family or anyone under my care and if I am ever forced to suffer the effects of what has come to be known as non-lethal weapon such as a Taser, without my express written and Notarised consent.
FIVE MILLION (£5,000,000) POUNDS GBP PER INDIVIDUAL reasonably involved, without my express written and Notarised consent.
THIRTY THOUSAND UNITS OF ANY FUNCTIONAL CURRENCY of my choosing, per hour or portion thereof, if I or any member of my family is questioned, interrogated or in any way detained, harassed or otherwise regulated,
THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND UNITS OF ANY FUNCTIONAL CURRENCY of my choosing, per hour or portion thereof, if I or any member of my family is handcuffed, transported, incarcerated or subjected to any adjudication process, and
THREE BILLION UNITS OF ANY FUNCTIONAL CURRENCY of my choosing, for any grievous or actual physical harm to my body or that of any member of my family.
I claim the right to use any and all lawful administrative and/or judicial processes I deem to be necessary in order to secure payment of the aforementioned FEE SCHEDULE, against any and all transgressors, who, by their actions or omissions, harm me, my dependents or my family’s interests, directly or by proxy, in any way whatsoever.
Witness:------------------------------ By: ------------------------------------
Address: Authorised Representative of
and any derivatives thereof.
All Rights Reserved - Without Prejudice - Without Recourse
- Non-Assumpsit Errors & Omissions Excepted